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MomEncourager here!

Moms, I want to encourage you, what you are doing matters.

Being a Mom matters! Building up and encouraging your family matters!

 – It matters more than your job.

 – It matters more than your reputation.

 – It matters more than how much money you’re making.

God loves you. He sees the love you have for your child or children. That is his heart too.

And he wants your children to become all that they are meant to be, 

I’m here to tell you today:

Don’t give up!

Your efforts are not in vain. 

Don’t give up.

Jesus is so near, He sees every struggle,

He wants you to invite him into your striving.

With the difficult child, with the overwhelming moments, invite him into those places, 

He wants to give you power to build faster and farther than whatever is being torn down,

Don’t give up!

I truly believe Jesus is enough for every situation and He is wanting to walk beside you in this as your friend and counsellor to empower you.

Take heart, in Jesus Christ, you are an over comer. You are a beautiful person and a beautiful integral person in your family. God will do amazing things through you, especially for your children. Take heart.


MomEncouager here.


Dear Jesus,

You gave your life for mine on the cross. Thank you for loving me so much. Please forgive me for the ways I have messed up before you. Thank you that you are giving me and my family every opportunity to know you. I want to be all that you want me to be and I want to help others do the same, especially my family. Please walk with me, speak to me and be my best friend.

Thank you, Jesus.